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Kennedy Space Center: The Mecca of Space Adventure

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Kennedy Space Center is a place of learning, exploration and invention. Apart from enjoying ourselves, we gained a lot of knowledge. Being an astronaut is rather a unique profession but when we learnt about the hardships and challenges faced by them and how they survive in space, we started respecting them all the more.

After taking innumerable pictures in front of the NASA globe, we went inside the IMAX Theater. It’s the next best thing to being in space. We saw the entire astronaut training and all of their diligent research in the form of a movie. The movie was so capturing that everyone was clapping and cheering. We also learned about the training one has to do to become an astronaut. When the movie ended, we knew we had learned a lot. It was truly an enriching experience. It was really inspirational.

students of DPS Vasant Kunj in Kennedy Space Center

Then we went to the Shuttle Launch Experience simulation. There, we got an opportunity to experience how it would be when a space shuttle launches. This is as close as it can get to being in outer space. Riding the simulator makes you experience G-Force as strong as an actual launch into space. This was pretty interesting and completely out of this world!

students of DPS Vasant Kunj in Kennedy Space Center

The second day at Kennedy Space Centre was fun too. Moving forward we went on a tour around NASA, discovering its secrets. We learned that there were more than 5000 alligators in the complex, frightening many of us due to their size and sheer number. The different launch pads mesmerized us completely.

students of DPS Vasant Kunj in Kennedy Space Center

Finally, I would like to say that it was a fascinating and unforgettable experience. Even the students who are not interested in science would find it adventurous and knowledgeable. The trip was worth every penny spent. Kennedy Space Centre is a monumental achievement for our kind and truly embodies their motto, “Failure Is Not an Option”.

students of DPS Vasant Kunj in Kennedy Space Center

Written and photographed by Aahana Chandel (DPS Vasant Kunj)

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World Vision School

World Vision School, New Delhi is an international school with an Indian heart. Our students and teachers come from all over the world and are passionate about the Indian subcontinent. Through our projects, festivals and student work we celebrate the unique diversity and cultural heritage of the planet and especially how it comes together in the Indian subcontinent because of its geopolitical situation. We focus on the social, cultural, economic, environmental and medical issues of this region and how they relate to different nations and cultures of the world making our schooling a truly inclusive experience. Through Classroam Wall we are taking our vision to the next level by giving a platform to our students and their projects.

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