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Encounter with Lady Liberty: Our Journey to the U.S. East Coast 2024

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Our journey to the U.S. East Coast was filled with excitement and learning, but the highlight was our encounter with Lady Liberty. As we approached Liberty Island, we were amazed as the majestic Statue of Liberty emerged.

Standing tall, Lady Liberty embodies the spirit of the United States. She was gifted to the United States by France in 1886 to celebrate 100 years of America’s independence. Up close, we marvelled at the intricate details of her copper structure. We learnt that over the years, the colour of the statue changed from copper to blueish green due to the oxidation of the copper. Her torch is a symbol of enlightenment, and guided us through our exploration of American history. The tablet in her left hand, inscribed with the date of the Declaration of Independence, represents America’s commitment to freedom and justice for all.

In the words of Emma Lazarus, that we found written at the base of the statue, “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” Our encounter with Lady Liberty was more than just a sightseeing tour. We were able to understand the core values of the United States. We left with a greater appreciation for the country’s history and its enduring symbol of freedom.

This experience will always be in our memories as a symbol of the things we learnt and discovered about the United States.

Team Members: Anirudh, Bhumin, Devaj, Krishiv, Manav, Rahil, Shubhi, Vansh & Yashika (Presidium School, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad).


EdTerra Edventures conducts various other programs for the youth. If you go to school and are under 17 years of age, ask your school to contact us to arrange a visit to your school for an introduction to “USA-East Coast Space Adventure” and other journeys under EdTerra’s India Discovery Program.

For queries call +91-11-48885800 or visit EdTerra Browse Journeys page to know more about the programs we offer to school students. Visit our FB page by clickingHERE


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